DS DS/EN 29735
DS DSEN 29735 1994-FEB-08 Electronc Data nterchange for Admnstraton Commerce and Trade EDFACT - Applcaton level syntax rules SO 97351990 amended and reprnted n 1990
DS DSEN 29735 1994-FEB-08 Electronc Data nterchange for Admnstraton Commerce and Trade EDFACT - Applcaton level syntax rules SO 97351990 amended and reprnted n 1990
The European Standard includes, in a condensed form the rules on application level for the structuring of the user data and of the associated service data in the interchange of messages in an open environment as agreed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) as syntax rules for Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT).