DS DS/EN 60695-5-1
DS DSEN 60695-5-1 2003-MAR-21 Fre hazard testng - Part 5-1 Corroson damage effects of fre effluent - General gudance
DS DSEN 60695-5-1 2003-MAR-21 Fre hazard testng - Part 5-1 Corroson damage effects of fre effluent - General gudance
This part of 60695 provides guidance on the following: a) general aspects of corrosion damage test methods; b) methods of measurement of corrosion damage; c) consideration of test methods; and d) relevance of corrosion damage data to hazard assessment. One of the responsibilities of a technical committee is, wherever applicable, to make use of basic safety publications in the preparation of its publications.