DS DS/EN 28662-1
DS DSEN 28662-1 1993-JUL-01 Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vbratons at the handle - Part 1 General Replaced by DS DSFprEN SO 28927-1 DS DSFprEN SO 28927-3
DS DSEN 28662-1 1993-JUL-01 Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vbratons at the handle - Part 1 General Replaced by DS DSFprEN SO 28927-1 DS DSFprEN SO 28927-3
The standard describes the basic requirements for evaluating vibrations in the handles of hand-held power-driven tools. It is not intended for assessment of human exposure to vibrations. The measurement and assessment of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration in the workplace is given in ENV 25349.