DS DS/EN 60601-2-38/A1
DS DSEN 60601-2-38A1 2000-AUG-29 Medcal electrcal equpment - Part 2-38 Partcular requrements for the safety of electrcally operated hosptal beds
DS DSEN 60601-2-38A1 2000-AUG-29 Medcal electrcal equpment - Part 2-38 Partcular requrements for the safety of electrcally operated hosptal beds
This particular standard specifies the requirements for safety of electrically operated, energized, and non-energized hospital beds, intended for use in wards, hereinafter referred to as bed/equipment as defined in sub-clause 2.2.15. The object of this particular standard for beds is to keep the safety hazards to patients, operators, and environment as low as possible, and to describe tests to verify that these requirements are attained