DS DS/EN 60598-2-24
DS DSEN 60598-2-24 1999-JUN-07 Lumnares - Part 2 Partcular requrements - Secton 24 Lumnares wth lmted surface temperatures
DS DSEN 60598-2-24 1999-JUN-07 Lumnares - Part 2 Partcular requrements - Secton 24 Lumnares wth lmted surface temperatures
This section of IEC 60598-2 specifies requirements for luminaires intended for use where the necessity of limited temperature on the outer surface exists, due to the risk of combustible dust accumulating on the luminaires, but where the risk of explosion in the atmosphere does not exist. The luminaires are for use with electric light sources on supply voltages not exceeding 1000 V.