DS DS/EN 60544-4
DS DSEN 60544-4 2003-DEC-08 Electrcal nsulatng materals - Determnaton of the effects of onzng radaton - Part 4 Classfcaton system for servce n radaton envronments
DS DSEN 60544-4 2003-DEC-08 Electrcal nsulatng materals - Determnaton of the effects of onzng radaton - Part 4 Classfcaton system for servce n radaton envronments
This part of IEC 60544 provides a classification system that serves as a guide for the selection and indexing of insulating materials to serve in the radiation environment of nuclear reactor facilities, reactor fuel-processing facilities, irradiation facilities, particle accelerators, and X-ray apparatus. The classification system provides a set of parameters defining the utility of the three types of polymeric materials (rigid plastics, flexible plastics, elastomers) for use in devices which are exposed to ionizing radiation. This part of IEC 60544 forms the basis for a quantitative statement of the suitability of such materials for radiation environments and therefore provides a guide for material specifications and for procurement agreements between suppliers and users.