DS DS/EN 16466-3
DS DSEN 16466-3 2013-JAN-24 Vnegar - sotopc analyss of acetc acd and water - Part 3 18O-RMS analyss of water n wne vnegar
DS DSEN 16466-3 2013-JAN-24 Vnegar - sotopc analyss of acetc acd and water - Part 3 18O-RMS analyss of water n wne vnegar
This European standard specifies an isotopic method to control the authenticity of wine vinegar. This method is applicable on wine vinegar in order to characterize the 18O/16O ratio of water, and allows differentiating wine vinegar from vinegars made from raisins or alcohol vinegar. The Oxygen 18 isotopic analysis of water from vinegar is based on a similar method already normalised for wine analysis [2].