DS DS/EN 16278
DS DSEN 16278 2012-AUG-06 Anmal feedng stuffs - Determnaton of norganc arsenc by hydrde generaton atomc absorpton spectrometry HG-AAS after mcrowave extracton and separaton by sold phase extracton SPE
DS DSEN 16278 2012-AUG-06 Anmal feedng stuffs - Determnaton of norganc arsenc by hydrde generaton atomc absorpton spectrometry HG-AAS after mcrowave extracton and separaton by sold phase extracton SPE
This European Standard describes a procedure for the determination of inorganic arsenic in animal feeding stuffs of marine origin by Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (HG-AAS). The method has been successfully tested in a collaborative trial with a working range from 0,19 mg/kg to 2,7 mg/kg (HORRATvalues lt; 2). The LOQ of the method is usually approximately 0,1 mg/kg or lower.