DS DS/EN 15882-4
DS DSEN 15882-4 2012-JUN-18 Extended applcaton of results from fre resstance tests for servce nstallatons - Part 4 Lnear jont seals
DS DSEN 15882-4 2012-JUN-18 Extended applcaton of results from fre resstance tests for servce nstallatons - Part 4 Lnear jont seals
This European standard specifies rules and prescribes the methodology for the preparation of extended application reports for linear joint sealing systems tested in accordance with EN 1366-4. The field of the extended application reports is additional to the direct field of application given in EN 1366-4. It may be applied to or based on a single test, or a number of tests, which provide the relevant information for the formulation of an extended application. Mechanical metal seals are not part of the scope of this European standard.