DS DS/EN 60317-0-2/A2
DS DSEN 60317-0-2A2 2005-APR-07 Specfcatons for partcular types of wndng wres - Part 0-2 General requrements - Enamelled rectangular copper wre
DS DSEN 60317-0-2A2 2005-APR-07 Specfcatons for partcular types of wndng wres - Part 0-2 General requrements - Enamelled rectangular copper wre
Deals with insulated wires used for windings of electrical equipment. This recommendation is composed of basic dimensions, methods of test, specifications for particular types of wires and packaging. It recommends requirements for a well-defined range of wires. Specifies the general requirements of enamelled round copper winding wires with or without bonding layer.