DS DS/EN 3375-004
DS DSEN 3375-004 2007-NOV-23 Aerospace seres - Cable electrcal for dgtal data transmsson - Part 004 Double brad - 77 Ohms - Type WJ - Product standard
DS DSEN 3375-004 2007-NOV-23 Aerospace seres - Cable electrcal for dgtal data transmsson - Part 004 Double brad - 77 Ohms - Type WJ - Product standard
This standard specifies the required characteristics of double braid, 77 Ohms, size 24 electrical cable type WJ, intended for digital data transmissions.
General characteristics are given in 4.2.
Main electrical characteristics are given in 4.3.
It shall be used together with EN 3375-001 and EN 3375-002.