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NASA NASA-TP-1878 1981-JAN-01 Expermental and theoretcal supersonc lateral-drectonal stablty characterstcs of a smplfed wng-body confguraton wth a seres of vertcal-tal arrangements

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An experimental investigation was conducted to provide a systematic set of lateral-directional stability data for a simplified wing-body model with a series of vertical-tail arrangements. The study was made at Mach numbers from 1.60 to 2.86 at nominal angles of attack from -8 to 12 deg and Reynolds number of 8.2 million per meter. Comparisons at zero angle of attack were made with three existing theoretical methods (MISLIFT - a second-order shock expansion and panel method; APAS - a slender body and first order panel method; and PAN AIR - a higher order panel method) and comparisons at angle of attack were made with PAN AIR. The results show that PAN AIR generally provides accurate estimates of these characteristics at moderate angles of attack for complete configurations with either single or twin vertical tails. APAS provides estimates for complete configurations at zero angle of attack. However, MISLIFT only provides estimates for the simplest body-vertical-tail configurations at zero angle of attack.

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