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NASA NASA-TP-1419 1979-JAN-01 Low-speed wnd-tunnel parametrc nvestgaton of flght spolers as tralng-vortex-allevaton devces on a transport arcraft model

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The trailing-wing sensor technique was used in the Langley V/STOL tunnel to determine the effectiveness of 11 combinations of the existing flight-spoiler segments on a jumbo-jet transport aircraft model when they were deflected as trailing-vortex-alleviation devices. All 11 of the flight-spoiler configurations investigated were effective in reducing the induced rolling moment on the trailing model. This investigation is an extension of earlier wind-tunnel and flight tests which showed that the existing flight spoilers on the jumbo-jet aircraft can be used as effective trailing-vortex-alleviation devices. Essentially, all of the reduction in induced rolling moment on the trailing-wing model was realized at a spoiler deflection of 45 deg for single-spoiler configurations, 30 for two-spoiler configurations, and 15 deg for both the three- and four-spoiler configurations. Of the 11 flight-spoiler configurations investigated, the most promising configuration for trailing-vortex abatement on the jumbo-jet aircraft appears to be the three inboard flight spoilers deflected 15 deg.

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