NASA NASA-TM-X-72843 1976-JAN-01 Effects of thckness on the aerodynamc characterstcs of an ntal low-speed famly of arfols for general avaton applcatons
NASA NASA-TM-X-72843 1976-JAN-01 Effects of thckness on the aerodynamc characterstcs of an ntal low-speed famly of arfols for general avaton applcatons
Wind tunnel tests were conducted to determine the effects of airfoil thickness-ratio on the low speed aerodynamic characteristics of an initial family of airfoils. The results were compared with theoretical predictions obtained from a subsonic viscous method. The tests were conducted over a Mach number range from 0.10 to 0.28. Chord Reynolds numbers varied from about 2.0 x 1 million to 9.0 x 1 million.