NASA NASA-TM-X-3160 1975-JAN-01 Expermental and theoretcal low speed aerodynamc characterstcs of the NACA 65 sub 1-213 alpha equals 050 arfol
NASA NASA-TM-X-3160 1975-JAN-01 Expermental and theoretcal low speed aerodynamc characterstcs of the NACA 65 sub 1-213 alpha equals 050 arfol
Low-speed wind-tunnel tests have been conducted to determine the two-dimensional aerodynamic characteristics of the NACA 65 sub 1-213, a = 0.05, airfoil. The results were compared with data from another low-speed wind tunnel and also with theoretical predictions obtained by using a viscous subsonic method. The tests were conducted over a Mach number range from 0.10 to 0.36. Reynolds numbers based on the airfoil chord varied from about 3 million to 23 million.