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NASA NASA-TM-X-3078 1974-JAN-01 Subsonc and supersonc longtudnal stablty and control characterstcs of an aft tal fghter confguraton wth cambered and uncambered wngs and uncambered fuselage

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An investigation has been made in the Mach number range from 0.20 to 2.16 to determine the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a fighter airplane concept. The configuration concept employs a single fixed geometry inlet, a 50 deg leading-edge-angle clipped-arrow wing, a single large vertical tail, and low horizontal tails. The wing camber surface was optimized in drag due to lift and was designed to be self-trimming at Mach 1.40 and at a lift coefficient of 0.20. An uncambered or flat wing of the same planform and thickness ratio was also tested. However, for the present investigation, the fuselage was not cambered. Further tests should be made on a cambered fuselage version, which attempts to preserve the optimum wing loading on that part of the theoretical wing enclosed by the fuselage.

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