NASA NASA-TM-83199PART 3 1986-JAN-01 Arcraft Nose Predcton Program theoretcal manual Propeller aerodynamcs and nose
NASA NASA-TM-83199PART 3 1986-JAN-01 Arcraft Nose Predcton Program theoretcal manual Propeller aerodynamcs and nose
The prediction sequence used in the aircraft noise prediction program (ANOPP) is described. The elements of the sequence are called program modules. The first group of modules analyzes the propeller geometry, the aerodynamics, including both potential and boundary-layer flow, the propeller performance, and the surface loading distribution. This group of modules is based entirely on aerodynamic strip theory. The next group of modules deals with the first group. Predictions of periodic thickness and loading noise are determined with time-domain methods. Broadband noise is predicted by a semiempirical method. Near-field predictions of fuselage surface pressrues include the effects of boundary layer refraction and scattering. Far-field predictions include atmospheric and ground effects.