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NASA NASA NPR 87153REV C WCHG 7 2008-MAR-12 NASA General Safety Program Requrements wChange 7 dated 22511

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a. This NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) provides the basis for the NASA Safety Program and serves as a general framework to structure more specific and detailed requirements for NASA Headquarters, Programs, and Centers. This document does not stand alone and is to be used in conjunction with the references listed in paragraph P.4.

b. This NPR is directed toward safety requirements and to augment requirements for occupational health and environmental health of personnel and activities. Some health and environmental safety references are included to assist Center safety personnel in interactions with occupational health and environmental personnel. Occupational safety and health requirements that implement 29 CFR Part 1960, Basic Program Elements for Federal Employees, Occupational Safety and Health Programs and Related Matters, are specified in NPR 8715.1, NASA Occupational Safety and Health Programs. Environmental requirements are specified in NPD 8500.1, NASA Environmental Management.

c. This NPR does not provide requirements for emergency planning. Emergency planning requirements are specified in NPD 8710.1, Emergency Preparedness Program.

d. To address special processes and/or discipline-unique processes, the Office of Safety and Mission Assurance publishes standards that provide specific instructions that are beyond the scope and detail of this document. A listing of applicable Federal requirements, NPRs, and standards can be found in paragraphs P.3 and P.4 of this NPR.


a. This NPR is applicable to NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers including Component Facilities, and Technical and Service Support Centers. This NPR applies to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) or to other contractors or grant recipients only to the extent specified or referenced in applicable contracts, grants, or agreements.

b. The procedural requirements in this document apply: (1) to all NASA organizations, elements, entities, or individuals; (2) to visitors on NASA property; (3) to all NASA equipment, property, systems, and facilities; (4) during all phases of the life cycle of systems or facilities; and (5) as specified in contract requirements.

c. The provisions of this document apply to non-NASA, non-contractor personnel when on NASA property.

d. The requirements in this NPR do not supersede more stringent requirements imposed by other Federal, State, or local government agencies.

e. In this NPR, a requirement is identified by a "shall" statement and followed by the phrase "(Requirement xxxxx)." The number (xxxxx) is assigned to each requirement statement for the Safety and Mission Assurance Requirements Tracking System.

Note: The word "shall" indicates that the rule is mandatory. Noncompliance with a "shall" statement requires approval of a request for relief per paragraph 1.13. Any text that does not contain a "shall" statement is for information and contextual purposes only.

f. In this NPR, the word "project" refers to a unit of work performed in programs, projects, and activities. Management of a work unit is referred to as "project management," which includes managing programs, projects, and activities.

g. In this NPR, a system is: (a) the combination of elements that function together to produce the capability to meet a need and (b) the end product (performs operational functions) and enabling products (provide life-cycle support services to the operational end products) that make up a system. The elements include all hardware, software, equipment, facilities, personnel, processes, and procedures needed for this purpose. h. The Center Director for NASA Headquarters is the Assistant Administrator for Infrastructure and Administration. In this NPR, requirements for Center Directors applicable to NASA Headquarters also pertain to the Assistant Administrator for Infrastructure and Administration.

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