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NASA NASA NPR 71208 2008-FEB-05 NASA Research and Technology Program and Project Management Requrements wchange 1 dated 112410

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a. This document establishes the program and project management requirements by which NASA will formulate and execute research and technology (RT), consistent with the governance model contained in NASA Policy Directive (NPD) 1000.0, NASA Strategic Management and Governance Handbook.


a. This NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) applies to NASA Headquarters and NASA Field Centers, including Component Facilities and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and contractors/service providers to the extent specified in their contracts with NASA.

b. This NPR applies to all current and future RT managed or funded by NASA (excluding all NASA funded programs, projects, and activities managed under NPR 7120.5, NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements, NPR 7120.7, Institutional Infrastructure and Information Technology Program and Project Management Requirements, and investments funded with Center discretionary funds within Center General and Administrative (GA)). RT programs and projects shall be managed using NPR 7120.5 in lieu of this NPR when: 1) the RT is directly funded by a space flight program/project; and 2) the space flight mission's success and schedule are directly tied to the success of the RT. For existing RT programs and projects, the requirements of this document are applicable to the program/project's extant phase as of the effective date of this NPR and to phases yet to be initiated.

c. In cases of any conflict between NPR 7120.5 and this NPR, NPR 7120.5 shall take precedence. The NASA Associate Administrator (AA), Mission Directorate Associate Administrator (MDAA) or the Mission Support Office Director (MSOD) may direct the use of NPR 7120.5 in lieu of this NPR for any RT investment.

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