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NASA NASA NPR 18001REV C 2009-OCT-06 NASA Occupatonal Health Program Procedures wChange 1 12312009 FORMERLY NASA NPG 18001

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a. This NASA Procedural Requirement (NPR) describes occupational health program procedures necessary to effectively carry out the mission of the Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer as specified in Section 4.16.1 of NPD 1000.3C, The NASA Organization and to ensure that the scope and quality of services provided by Occupational Health Program (OHP) personnel at NASA Centers are optimal. Both OHP professionals and allied professionals throughout the Agency shall utilize these procedures, as appropriate, in their daily tasks to assure the health of employees and a safe work environment.

b. Where conflicts exist between other NASA health and safety requirements, Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements and other Federal, state, or local regulations, the most protective requirements shall apply.

c. OHP services shall encompass six constituent areas, all working synergistically to support employee health, yet functioning under different legal statutes and requiring unique professional expertise and different process procedures and outcome metrics. These six constituent programs include Occupational Medicine, Environmental Health, Radiological Health, Health Promotion and Wellness, Workers' Compensation, and Employee Assistance.

d. Recordkeeping is one area that overlaps all six of the OHP constituent areas. While each area has recordkeeping requirements specific to it, there are a few requirements that apply across the board. All OHP records (e.g., medical, industrial hygiene, and compensation claims) shall be safeguarded, maintained, and dispositioned in accordance with the following.

(1) NPR 1441.1, NASA Records Retention Schedules;

(2) 5 U.S.C. 552a, the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended; and

(3) The Health Information Management System (HIMS) in NASA's "Privacy Act; Annual Notice and Amendment to Systems of Records," published in the Federal Register.


This NPR is applicable to NASA Headquarters, NASA Centers, and Component Facilities, as well as to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and to NASA contractors to the extent specified in their contracts.

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