NASA NASA NPR 12101REV A 2005-FEB-23 Procedures for Use of Monetary Gfts and Donatons by NASA Revaldated wth Change 1 172010 FORMERLY NASA NPG 12101
NASA NASA NPR 12101REV A 2005-FEB-23 Procedures for Use of Monetary Gfts and Donatons by NASA Revaldated wth Change 1 172010 FORMERLY NASA NPG 12101
This NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) establishes responsibilities, procedures, and requirements governing the use and expenditure of funds in the form of monetary gifts, donations, and bequests that are unsolicited and offered to NASA without condition. These monetary gifts, donations, and bequests are not attributable to, nor associated with, any contractual or other legal instrument for performing mission related work or services.
This NPR is applicable to NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers, including Component Facilities. This NPR is applicable only to monetary gifts accepted by NASA under NPD 1210.1 (see paragraph P.4b.).