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NASA NASA NPR 14001REV E 2011-JUL-15 NASA Drectves and Charters Procedural Requrements

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a. This directive describes the responsibilities and requirements for creating, revising, reviewing, approving, publishing, and canceling NASA directives and Agency-level charters.

b.This directive provides specific instructions pertaining to the development, content, processing, and waiving of Agency-level and Center-level directives.


a. This directive is applicable to NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers, including Component Facilities and Technical and Service Support Centers. This directive applies to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and other contractors only to the extent specified or referenced in the appropriate contracts.

b. In this directive, all mandatory actions (i.e., requirements) are denoted by statements containing the term "shall." The terms: "may" or "can" denote discretionary privilege or permission, "should" denotes a good practice and is recommended, but not required, "will" denotes expected outcome, and "are/is" denotes descriptive material.

c. In this directive, "Agency-level directives" refers to directives with Agency-wide applicability (e.g., NPDs, NPRs, and NIDs).

d. In this directive, "Center-level directives" refers to directives with Center-specific applicability (e.g., CPDs, CPRs, and CIDs).

e. In this directive, "NASA directives" refers to both Agency-level and Center-level directives.

f. In this directive, "NASA Charters" refers to those charters that govern councils, boards, committees, panels, and working groups upon which membership is Agency wide.

g. In this NPR, "Center-level charters" refers to those charters that govern councils, boards, committees, panels, and working groups upon which membership is limited to the specific Center.

h. In this directive, all document citations are assumed to be the latest version unless otherwise noted.

i. This directive is applicable to NASA directives developed or revised after the effective date of this NPR.

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