DS DS 13083
DS DS 13083 2002-JUL-12 Steel for renforcement - Weldng of renforcng steel - Other than machne welded fabrc - appled as renforcement used wthout prestressng n concrete structures
DS DS 13083 2002-JUL-12 Steel for renforcement - Weldng of renforcng steel - Other than machne welded fabrc - appled as renforcement used wthout prestressng n concrete structures
This standard caters for companies that carry out manual welding of reinforcing steel according to DS 13080 and for companies that design and/or construct concrete structures. The standard set up requirements on welds and on those activities that affect the quality of the welds, partly in the forrm of requirements on the control of activities and partly in the form of requirements on those responsible for the welding coordination, the welders and the welding procedure specifications