ESDU AERO W.01.01.05 E
ESDU AERO W010105 E 2007-AUG-01 Slope of lft curve for two-dmensonal flow-ncorporates Amendments A B C D and E
ESDU AERO W010105 E 2007-AUG-01 Slope of lft curve for two-dmensonal flow-ncorporates Amendments A B C D and E
ESDU AERO W.01.01.05 is retained in the Series because it is referred to and used in a number of ESDU documents in Aerodynamics. To obtain values of the slope of the lift coefficient curve with angle of attack on an aerofoil in incompressible (or compressible but subcritical) flow, ESDU 72024 and ESDU 97020 should be used.