ESDU AERO F.02.01.07 C
ESDU AERO F020107 C 1993-FEB-01 Converson factor for profle drag ncrement for part-span flaps
ESDU AERO F020107 C 1993-FEB-01 Converson factor for profle drag ncrement for part-span flaps
ESDU Aero F.02.01.07 gives curves that provide factors to correct the profile drag increment due to deflection of a full-span flap to give the increment for a part-span flap with arbitrary spanwise position. The curves are a function of taper ratio and apply to straight-tapered wings. They may be used with the full-span increments from ESDU 74010 for split flaps, from ESDU 87024 for plane flaps, and from ESDU 08013 for single-slotted flaps.