ESDU 82010 C
ESDU 82010 C 1993-APR-01 Contrbuton of fn to sdeforce yawng moment and rollng moment dervatves due to sdeslp Y sub v sub F N sub v sub F L sub v sub F n the presence of body wng and talplane
ESDU 82010 C 1993-APR-01 Contrbuton of fn to sdeforce yawng moment and rollng moment dervatves due to sdeslp Y sub v sub F N sub v sub F L sub v sub F n the presence of body wng and talplane
ESDU 82010 provides a method for estimating the contribution of a fin to the sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment derivatives due to sideslip for aircraft at subsonic speeds. The data are applicable where there is a linear variation of lift coefficient with angle of attack and a linear variation of sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment coefficients with angle of sideslip.