ANS 59.2
ANS 592 1985-JAN-01 Safety Crtera for HVAC Systems Located Outsde Prmary Contanment
This standard establishes criteria for the design of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (WAC) Systems located outside the primary reactor containment of light water reador (LWR) nuclear power plants that could affect nuclear safety functions.
The radiological release control functions of LWR secondary containment systems are covered in American National Standards for Pressurized Water Reactor Containment Ventilation Systems, ANSUANS-56.6-1978 [1] and Boiling Water Reactor Containment Ventilation Systems, ANSU ANS-56.7-1978 [2]1, and are not covered in this standard.
1Numbers in brackets refer to corresponding numbers in Section 8, References.
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