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ANS 40.37

ANS 4037 2009-JAN-01 Moble low-level radoactve waste processng systems

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This standard sets forth design, fabrication, and performance recommendations and requirements for mobile low-level radioactive waste processing (MRWP) systems (including components) for nuclear facilities that generate lowlevel radioactive wastes (LLWs) as defined by the Atomic Energy Act as amended [1].1)The purpose of this standard is to provide guidance to ensure that the MRWP systems are designed, fabricated, installed, and operated in a manner commensurate with the need to protect the health and safety of the public and plant personnel.

For the purpose of this standard, a nuclear facility MRWP system begins at the interface with a permanent plant system or waste collection area, or both; it terminates at the interface where processed waste or secondary waste, or both, is either returned to the facility or removed from the facility, or both.2)

This standard refers throughout to vendors, system users, facility operators, and owners; however, these references are not intended to assign specific responsibilities of these parties for compliance with the requirements of this standard. These references are for convenience and are based on typical responsibilities of these parties. It is recognized that the facility owner or operating license holder, or both, is ultimately responsible for compliance with these requirements. The body of this standard identifies both requirements and recommendations/guidelines for systems.3)

1) Numbers in brackets refer to corresponding numbers in Sec. 14, "References."

2) Standards concerning permanent systems for processing radioactive waste are identified in Appendix A and are specifically referenced in this standard where applicable.

3) Appendix B provides guidelines that are intended to be helpful to users who are designing and evaluating MRWP systems, interfacing MRWP systems for application at a facility, and designing facilities to interface with MRWP systems.

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