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ANS 3.2

ANS 32 2012-JAN-01 Amercan Natonal Standard manageral admnstratve and qualty assurance controls for the operatonal phase of nuclear power plants

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Scope and applicability

This standard provides requirements and recommendations for managerial and administrative controls to ensure that activities associated with operating a nuclear power plant are carried out without undue risk to the health and safety of the public.

This standard provides requirements for implementing managerial and administrative controls consistent with requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B [1],1)

This standard is not specifically intended for application to test, mobile, or experimental reactors, nor reactors not subject to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ~NRC! licensing. Although this standard is based on NRC requirements, the approach is applicable with modifications to ref lect the regulatory requirements in the country of application. Applicable sections of this standard may be used in those cases for activities similar to those addressed herein.


This standard contains requirements for managerial and administrative controls for nuclear power plants during the operational phase of plant life. This phase is generally considered to commence prior to initial fuel loading at a time identified by the owner organization. Certain initial construction activities may extend past fuel loading, and certain operational activities may take place prior to fuel loading. The owner organization is expected to identify those activities that are included in these overlapping time periods and are expected to specify whether the activities are to be considered as operational or as construction activities. This phase continues until the operating license is withdrawn.

The managerial and administrative controls of this standard promote safe, reliable, and efficient plant operation. This standard may be applied to other activities consistent with the degree to which those activities affect plant reliability. In keeping with this intent, the provisions in this standard may be applied to operational activities other than those specified in the scope, consistent with the degree to which those activities affect these functions; compliance with regulations specifying radiation dose and contamination criteria; or plant reliability. Applicable portions of this standard may also be used for activities at reactors specifically excluded in the scope.

This standard is intended to be implemented together with the applicable elements of ANSI0 ASME NQA-1-2008 and NQA-1a-2009 Addenda @2# . ANSI0ASME NQA-1-2008 and NQA-1a- 2009 Addenda is the standard that provides the appropriate quality assurance requirements for all phases. This standard provides the managerial and administrative requirements needed to assure safe operation of a facility.

1) Numbers in brackets refer to corresponding numbers in Sec. 4, "References."

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