SAI AS 1100.301
SA AS 1100301 2008-DEC-02 Techncal drawng Part 301 Archtectural drawng-ncorporatng Amendment 1 May 18 2011
SA AS 1100301 2008-DEC-02 Techncal drawng Part 301 Archtectural drawng-ncorporatng Amendment 1 May 18 2011
This Standard sets out requirements and recommendations for architectural drawing practice. It is complementary to AS 1100.101.
This Standard indicates methods of presenting drawings of architectural work, before, during and after the construction period.
The Standard includes information on abbreviations (additional to those in AS 1100.101), the layout of drawing sheets, line conventions and conventions for the cross-referencing of drawings, coordinates and grids.
NOTE: Examples of drawings are given in Appendix C.