SAI AS 1141.11.2
SA AS 1141112 2008-JUN-30 Methods for samplng and testng aggregates Method 112 Partcle sze dstrbuton for vson szng systems
SA AS 1141112 2008-JUN-30 Methods for samplng and testng aggregates Method 112 Partcle sze dstrbuton for vson szng systems
This Standard sets out the method for the determination of particle size distribution in coarse and fine aggregates by vision systems. The VSS is limited by the discrimination of the optical system and, at present, is suitable for materials coarser than 1.18 mm. A calibration procedure is required to relate results from this procedure to particle distribution by sieving (AS 1141.11).
NOTE: A summary of VSS technology is given in Appendix A.