SAI AS 1038.10.0
SA AS 1038100 2002-MAR-11 Coal and coke—Analyss and testng Part 100 Determnaton of trace elements—Gude to the determnaton of trace elements
SA AS 1038100 2002-MAR-11 Coal and coke—Analyss and testng Part 100 Determnaton of trace elements—Gude to the determnaton of trace elements
This Guide compares methods used for the determination of trace elements in coal and coal ash. The trace elements include those elements listed in the Australian National Pollutant Inventory: arsenic, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chlorine, chromium, cobalt, copper, fluorine, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, selenium and zinc. Also included are vanadium and molybdenum; these trace elements are not listed in the National Pollutant Inventory Environment Australia,* but are listed as being of major or moderate concern by the United States Research Council. To this list can be added the radioactive trace elements, thorium and uranium.
* Environment Australia,