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EEMUA PUB NO 208 2010-FEB-01 Gude to lfe-cycle management of Pressure relef systems-Edton 1

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The pressure relief system serving a process unit or utility is the ultimate safety system for protecting against overpressure when other means of protection have failed. In its simplest form, it may consist of a single relief device protecting a pressure system and independently discharging a non-hazardous fluid to atmosphere. Alternatively, it may be a complex, closed system into which a number of relief devices, each protecting a separate pressure system, discharge flammable or toxic fluids. These relief devices may discharge at varying rates and in different combinations in different overpressure scenarios.

Unlike most process systems, and irrespective of the degree of complexity, the performance of many relief systems cannot be fully proven in advance of a real event. Therefore, any deficiencies could go undetected for the life of the facility. It follows that the system should be designed, operated and maintained to ensure operational integrity appropriate to its critical role.

EEMUA members have extensive experience in all aspects of relief system design, operation and maintenance in a number of different environments, and recognise the importance of a structured, rather than a fragmented, approach to the subject.

This Publication is presented in a number of Chapters, each of which addresses key aspects of pressure relief system management. These are:

• Chapter 2 - management issues;

• Chapter 3 - design and specification;

• Chapter 4 - installing and commissioning;

• Chapter 5 - operation and maintenance.

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