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EEMUA PUB NO 222 2009-JUN-01 Gude to the Applcaton of EC 61511 to safety nstrumented systems n the UK process ndustres-Edton 1NO CD NCLUDED-CD S SAME AS DOCUMENT

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This Guide provides guidance and recommendations on IEC 61511-1 and, as appropriate, IEC 61508 for the specification and implementation of safety instrumented systems (SIS) in the UK process industries.

It provides guidance only where it is considered necessary or useful. The relevant sub-clauses of IEC 61511-1 are referenced in a right-hand column. Clauses marked ** give recommendations beyond the scope of IEC 61511-1 where they are worthy of consideration. Such recommendations are considered to be good practice in the UK. This Guide does not take precedence over, repeat or replace any requirement of IEC 61511-1 or IEC 61508.

This Guide is applicable to process industries such as onshore and offshore oil and gas, non-nuclear power generation, chemicals and petrochemicals. Other process industries may choose to use the guidelines at their own discretion.

It outlines general information for all users, plus guidance on organisational responsibilities for end users, designers, suppliers (of systems and products), integrators, installers and maintainers. It does not provide checklists or detail on how to design, operate and maintain such systems.

This Guide is for use in applications relating to safety of people, but its principles may also be applied to environmental and asset/commercial protection.

Note on Terminology

The words "clause" and "sub-clause" refer to parts of IEC 61511, the words "Chapter" and "Section" refer to parts of this Guide.

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