CGA G-1.2
CGA G-12 2006-JAN-01 Acetylene Meterng and Ppng-Thrd Edton
The scope of this publication is limited to a maximum working pressure of 400 psig (2,760 kPa).1, 2 The data also covers acetylene of purity above 99.5% on a dry basis; no attempt has been made to include the use of dilute mixtures of acetylene and other gases.
Section 5 through Section 9 covers recommendations for acetylene metering. While the primary consideration is concerned with large-volume meters, information is also included on small-volume meters. A complete tabulation of the pertinent physical and chemical properties of the gas is included in Section 3. The reader is also directed to CGA G-1, Acetylene [2]. It is recommended that standard conditions be based on clean, watersaturated acetylene at 14.73 psia (102 kPa, abs) and 60 °F (15.6 °C), although the data in this report are applicable to other base conditions [3, 4].
Section 10 through Section 15 cover acetylene pipeline transmission. Section 10 through Section 14 are a review of the various components of an acetylene pipeline transmission system. Section 15 discusses the general explosive behavior of acetylene in piping transmission systems on the basis of numerous tests and observations that have been made over many years. Primary consideration was given to those properties peculiar to acetylene and requiring special handling techniques and protective measures. In addition to those special techniques required by the unstable nature of acetylene, precautions in construction and operation formally applicable to flammable gases must be observed.
1 kPa shall indicate gauge pressure unless otherwise noted as (kPa, abs) for absolute pressure or (kPa, differential) for differential pressure. All kPa values are rounded off per CGA P-11, Metric Practice Guide for the Compressed Gas Industry [1].
2 References are shown by bracketed numbers and are listed in order of appearance in the reference section.
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