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NSF 355

NSF 355 2011-AUG-16 Greener Chemcals and Processes nformaton

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This Standard applies to products and processes at facilities in any global location(s). Corporate-level aspects such as social responsibility apply irrespective of the location of the corporate headquarters, business incorporation, or facilities associated with the conforming product and process. Facility-level aspects are limited to only those facilities where the conforming product and process is located.

Each data element shall be addressed for both the conforming product and the process used to manufacture the product as specified by conformance pathways (optional or required) described in each section.

The scope of the Standard is limited to gate-to-gate (as defined in 4) or the molecular transformation phase of the chemical product and its processes and is depicted in 2.2.3 Establishing Process Boundaries.


The purpose of the Greener Chemicals and Processes Information Standard is to provide the chemical enterprise with a voluntary and standardized way to define and report the primary categories of information, their respective data elements, and data quality objectives pertaining to the relative greenness of a chemical product and its manufacturing process within one stage (i.e., gate-to-gate, as defined in 4) of its life cycle. This information shall be provided by suppliers to communicate clearly, with transparency and consistency, to help customers evaluate the relative greenness of a chemical product and process. The intent is for this information to be informative to life cycle assessments, but is not a life cycle assessment itself.

The Standard further stipulates reporting a minimum set of social responsibility criteria that are applied to the product and process claiming conformance.

For the purposes of this Standard, greener refers to the relative measure of ecosystem and human health impacts of a chemical and its process when compared to the same or similar chemical and its process.

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