AASHTO VE 2010-MAR-01 Gudelnes for Value Engneerng-Revson 3
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) recognizes the need for the prudent use of resources and revenues while providing a quality transportation program. Value engineering (VE) is a function-oriented technique that has proven to be an effective management tool for achieving improved design, construction, and cost-effectiveness in various transportation program elements. Data collected by the Federal Highway Administration indicates that the return on investment can exceed 100:1.
States that have active VE programs have realized additional benefits beyond design improvements and cost savings including:
• An opportunity for stakeholders to participate in the process
•Improvement of standards and policies
•Responsiveness to stakeholder priorities and improved communication amongst stakeholders participating in studies
•Accelerated incorporation of new materials and construction techniques
•Employee satisfaction from participation in agency decisions
•Increased skills obtained from team participation
•Improved constructability
•Reduced environmental impacts
•Reduced schedule
•Reduced risk
•Improved operations
This document provides guidelines for establishing and administering VE programs. It is the intent of these guidelines to assist state DOTs in developing a successful VE program, to promote the acceptance and use of VE, and assure compliance with Federal VE requirements, while allowing maximum flexibility to each state.
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