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AASHTO GAU 2005-OCT-01 A Gude for Accommodatng Utltes Wthn Hghway Rght-Of-Way-Revson 4

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These guidelines are provided for consideration and use by transportation agencies in regulating the use and occupancy of highway right-of-way by utilities. They are limited to matters, which are theresponsibility of transportation agencies for preserving the safe operation, maintenance, construction,and integrity of the highway.

Where the laws or orders of public authority, industry, or governmental codes, or transportation agenciesprescribe a higher degree of protection than provided by these guidelines, the higher degree of protectionshall prevail. These guidelines supplement, but do not alter the provisions of the AASHTO A Policy onthe Accommodation of Utilities within Freeway Right-of- Way (2).

It is recognized that a distinction exists between buried fiber optic cables and other utilities. Theseguidelines supplement, but do not alter the provisions of AASHTO Guidance on Sharing Freewayand Highway Rights-of- Way for Telecommunications (1).a

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