AASHTO GL-6 2005-OCT-01 Roadway Lghtng Desgn Gude-ncorporatng Amendment October 2010
AASHTO GL-6 2005-OCT-01 Roadway Lghtng Desgn Gude-ncorporatng Amendment October 2010
This guide replaces the 1984 publication entitled, An Informational Guide for Roadway Lighting. It has been revised and brought up to date to reflect current practices in roadway lighting. The guide provides a general overview of lighting systems from the point of view of the transportation departments and recommends minimum levels of quality. The guide incorporates the illuminance and luminance design methods, but does not include the small target visibility (STV) method.
Two appendices to this document are located online for reference purposes at http://downloads.transportation. org/lighting.pdf. Appendix A is entitled Literature Review and References, and contains information on research studies related to accidents and highway lighting, driver parameters, pavement parameters, and a summary of further references. Appendix B contains an overview of Lighting Basics, including background information on the various issues related to effective highway lighting.