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AASHTO GHBRR 2008-NOV-01 Gudelnes for Hstorc Brdge Rehabltaton and Replacement-Revson 1

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This report presents a literature search, findings of a survey on the current state of historic bridge rehabilitation or replacement decision making by state and local transportation agencies, and nationally applicable decision-making guidelines for historic bridges. The guidelines are intended to be used as the protocol for defining when rehabilitation of historic bridges can be considered prudent and feasible and when it is not, based on engineering and environmental data and judgments. The guidelines include identification of various approaches to bringing historic bridges into conformance with current design and safety guidelines/standards, and the effect or implications of remedial action on historical significance.

There are currently no such nationally applicable decision-making guidelines, but there are a variety of state and local processes and policies for managing historic bridges. Effective practices for the various processes inform the nationally applicable guidelines. The guidelines are in narrative and matrix format.

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