AASHTO BVCS 2008-JAN-01 Gude Specfcatons for Brdges Vulnerable to Coastal Storms-Edton 1
AASHTO BVCS 2008-JAN-01 Gude Specfcatons for Brdges Vulnerable to Coastal Storms-Edton 1
Article 5.1 of these Specifications gives Owners the opportunity to apply coastal loads in either the strength limit state or the extreme limit state, depending on the Owner's assessment of the criticality of the bridge. Evacuation and rescue/recovery of the affected area should be a prime factor when considering a system of bridges serving a coastal area. The effect on the local economy should also be considered.
No effect of anticipated climate change has been accounted for herein. Individual Owners may include this feature depending on their jurisdiction's policy in this regard.
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