AGA RNGMS-10 2011-DEC-01 Resdental Natural Gas Market Survey 2010 Data-F00012
This year's report is the 63nd annual Residential Natural Gas Market Survey conducted by the American Gas Association (AGA). The data collected for 2010 provide a unique and comprehensive portrait of the residential natural gas market. Detailed information is presented by state and region, including customers, market share, inventory additions from new homes, and conversions from alternative fuels. Company-specific data are reported in Appendices A, B and C. Appendix D presents natural gas market shares data for the metropolitan statistical areas.
A total of 71 natural gas utility companies responded to this year's survey, representing 70 percent of the total U.S. residential customers. These responses are a decrease from the 72 utilities that responded to last year's survey. Company-specific data were derived from the Energy Information Administration's Form 176 database.
Incorporated in the survey results are data regarding new private housing completions as well as existing homes from the U.S. Bureau of the Census. The source of these data is different from the statistics compiled from the survey respondents and should be evaluated separately.
Our thanks go to those companies participating in this Residential Natural Gas Market Survey information-gathering effort. Their cooperation and support are essential to making this publication a primary source of natural gas utility industry data and an important industry reference.