DS DS/EN ISO 16106
DS DSEN SO 16106 2006-MAR-31 Packagng - Transport packages for dangerous goods - Dangerous goods packagngs ntermedate bulk contaners BCs and large packagngs - Gudelnes for the applcaton of SO 9001
DS DSEN SO 16106 2006-MAR-31 Packagng - Transport packages for dangerous goods - Dangerous goods packagngs ntermedate bulk contaners BCs and large packagngs - Gudelnes for the applcaton of SO 9001
This standard gives guidance on quality management provisions applicable to the manufacture, measuring and monitoring of design type approved dangerous goods packagings, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and large packagings.
This standard can only be used in combination with ISO 9001:2000 and is not a stand-alone document.
It does not apply to design type testing, for which reference is made to 6.1.5, 6.5.4 and 6.6.5 of the UN Model Regulations.