DS DS/EN ISO 17475
DS DSEN SO 17475 2008-MAY-08 Corroson of metals and alloys - Electrochemcal test methods - Gudelnes for conductng potentostatc and potentodynamc polarzaton measurements
DS DSEN SO 17475 2008-MAY-08 Corroson of metals and alloys - Electrochemcal test methods - Gudelnes for conductng potentostatc and potentodynamc polarzaton measurements
This International Standard applies to corrosion of metals and alloys, and describes the procedure for
conducting potentiostatic and potentiodynamic polarization measurements.
The test method can be used to characterise the electrochemical kinetics of anodic and cathodic reactions, the onset of localised corrosion and the repassivation behaviour of a metal.