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This specification covers the general requirements for test equipment (see used in testing and calibrating electrical and electronic equipment. The test equipment may be of commercial design and includes general purpose, special purpose, peculiar, console mounted, automatic test equipment (ATE), and calibration standards. This specification should also be used for built-in test equipment (BITE) (see when the requirements for built-in test (BIT) (see are not included in the system specification. Detailed requirements for particular test equipment should be tailored in a purchase description (see for that equipment.

The requirements of this specification are to be invoked according to class and may be tailored based on the installation and intended use of the equipment. An Appendix is provided to assist the specification writer with a checklist approach to the development of a purchase description invoking MIL-PRF-28800. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data that may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, SEA 03R42, 25 31 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington VA 22242-5160 by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter.

Test equipment specified herein is categorized by class (requirements arising from the intended operational environment). The class shall be assigned, in the purchase description, by the most severe environmental condition expected for the equipment. Other environmental requirements may be derated from the most severe environmental requirement. The purchase description will identify environmental conditions that exist from a less severe class. The purchase description will specify other features that extend beyond defined class definitions. (Note: This requires that the developer of the purchase description define the most severe class even if only one aspect of the environmental performance is of that class, while all other aspects are of a less severe class.)

Test equipment covered by this specification is categorized by performance characteristics required for an intended location of use and the most severe prevailing environmental conditions of such locations. Test equipment classes are specified in the following paragraphs (a through d) and the performance characteristics required for each class are summarized in Table 2.

a. Class 1. Class 1 equipment is designed for hostile operational environments where the environmental conditions are extremes of world climatic variation. Examples include test equipment for use in the vicinity of aircraft, in tracked and wheeled vehicles, or for typical above-deck applications.

b. Class 2. Class 2 equipment is designed for rugged operational environments where the environmental conditions are routinely encountered in an unprotected, uncontrolled climate. Test equipment for use as a portable (see instrument in more than one location that has a substantial degree of environmental protection may be considered as Class 2.

c. Class 3. Class 3 equipment is designed for operational environments where conditions are routinely encountered in a diverse, controlled climate. Examples include test equipment for bench-top, rack-mount and occasional portable use in diverse, environmentally controlled locations.

d. Class 4. Class 4 equipment is designed for benign operational environments where the environmental conditions are controlled and protected. Examples include test equipment for use in a fully protected and environmentally controlled service area such as a laboratory.

The enclosure provides protection for the contained system components during storage, handling, and use compatible with the contained class of equipment. A commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) enclosure, normally provided by the manufacturer, that meets the requirements of Section 3 is acceptable unless otherwise specified.

Unless otherwise specified, the color shall be the color normally provided by the manufacturer.

When the purchase description invokes more than one class of this specification, the different configurations (see should be identified. Selection criteria for each class of equipment is specified in Table 2.

Electronic test equipment furnished to the Navy that uses material restricted for Navy use (see, or that exceeds the size limitations (see of this specification, requires approval by the Navy prior to procurement.

This appendix is provided for the specification writer to use as a guideline for the preparation of a purchase description invoking MIL-PRF-28800. It provides a list of the requirements that are automatically invoked, or when needed, those that may be specifically invoked by the purchase description. The information contained herein is intended for guidance only.

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