DS DS/EN ISO 12162
DS DSEN SO 12162 2010-FEB-04 Thermoplastcs materals for ppes and fttngs for pressure applcatons - Classfcaton desgnaton and desgn coeffcent
DS DSEN SO 12162 2010-FEB-04 Thermoplastcs materals for ppes and fttngs for pressure applcatons - Classfcaton desgnaton and desgn coeffcent
This International standard constitutes the classification of thermoplastics materials in pipe form. It also defines the material designation, and gives a guide for a design base. The classification, the material designation, and the design base are founded on the resistance against internal hydrostatic pressure as derived from extrapolation, following ISO/TR 9080, to 50 years at 20°C in water.