DS DS/EN ISO 11137-1
DS DSEN SO 11137-1 2006-AUG-14 Sterlzaton of health care products - Radaton - Part 1 Requrements for development valdaton and routne control of a sterlzaton process for medcal devces
DS DSEN SO 11137-1 2006-AUG-14 Sterlzaton of health care products - Radaton - Part 1 Requrements for development valdaton and routne control of a sterlzaton process for medcal devces
This part of ISO 11137 specifies requirements for the development, validation and routine control of a
radiation sterilization process for medical devices.
NOTE Although the scope of this part of ISO 11137 is limited to medical devices, it specifies requirements and provides guidance that may be applicable to other products and equipment.
This part of ISO 11137 covers radiation processes employing irradiators using,
a) the radionuclide 60Co or 137Cs,
b) a beam from an electron generator
c) a beam from an X-ray generator.