DS DS/EN ISO 10360-2
DS DSEN SO 10360-2 2009-DEC-22 Geometrcal product specfcatons GPS - Acceptance and reverfcaton tests for coordnate measurng machnes CMM - Part 2 CMMs used for measurng lnear dmensons
DS DSEN SO 10360-2 2009-DEC-22 Geometrcal product specfcatons GPS - Acceptance and reverfcaton tests for coordnate measurng machnes CMM - Part 2 CMMs used for measurng lnear dmensons
This part of ISO 10360 specifies the acceptance tests for verifying the performance of a coordinate measuring machine (CMM) used for measuring linear dimensions as stated by the manufacturer. It also specifies the reverification tests that enable the user to periodically reverify the performance of the CMM.
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