DS DS/EN ISO 9773/A1
DS DSEN SO 9773A1 2003-OCT-31 Plastcs - Determnaton of burnng behavour of thn flexble vertcal specmens n contact wth a small-flame gnton source - Amendment 1 Specmens
DS DSEN SO 9773A1 2003-OCT-31 Plastcs - Determnaton of burnng behavour of thn flexble vertcal specmens n contact wth a small-flame gnton source - Amendment 1 Specmens
This standard specifies a small-scale laboratory screening procedure for comparing the relative burning behavior of vertically oriented thin and relatively flexible plastics specimens exposed to a low-energy-level flame ignition source. These specimens cannot be tested using method B of ISO 1210 since they distort or shrink away from the applied flame source without ignition.