DS DS/EN 50289-4-11
DS DSEN 50289-4-11 2002-JUN-06 Communcaton cables - Specfcatons for test methods - Part 4-11 Envronmental test methods - A horzontal ntegrated fre test method
DS DSEN 50289-4-11 2002-JUN-06 Communcaton cables - Specfcatons for test methods - Part 4-11 Envronmental test methods - A horzontal ntegrated fre test method
This Part 4-11 of EN 50289 specifies a horizontal integrated fire test method for determining flame-propagation distance, optical smoke density, total heat release, heat release rate, time to ignition and flaming droplets/particles for communication cables. The cables are tested in a representative installed condition.